Here are a few projects I've worked on.
Construction Progress Chaser
Tool: Power Bi
The Construction Progress Chaser is a 12 week lookahead graph that displays forecast quantities and hours compared to a "Plan". Containing over 100+ graphs, the Chaser gets reviewed by area superintentents and U.S DOE personnel to track construction project performance.
Construction Master Dashboard
Tool: Power Bi
The Master Dashboard displays the in-period peaks and valleys of forecasted quantities and hours by commodity (qtys) and COA (hours). Current performance to date hours and quantities are taken into account in each visual. Complex DAX code was required for normalizing the overall distribution of forecasted hours and quantities to make P6 cumulative forecast data match the budget.
Durations Analysis Data Science Project
Tool: Jupyter Notebook + Power Bi
The purpose of this data science project was to compare our At Completion Duration against our Original Planned duration on multiple Infrastructure projects in the U.S and Canada. Using Python libraries: Seaborn, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy, and Pandas; I was able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of those 2 variables by Project, Discipline, and phase of Engineering Design. Regression Analysis was performed to model the relationship between the 2 variables
Vail, CO Bridge Construction Project
Tool: Synchro + Fuzor
A thorough demonstration of how we planned to execute the demolition and rebuilding of the bridge that crosses over Gore Creek allowing travelers to get to and from Vail Ski Resort.
Synchro Pro was used for in depth schedule analysis including risk analysis and task breakdowns. Sycnhro scripts were written to automate the 3D resources to schedule tasks.
Fuzor was then used to create a more visually appealing 4d simulation of the construction sequences.
Vancouver International Airport Runway Construction Project
Tool: Synchro
The simulation showcases the construction process of an airport runway, featuring four pavement lifts on both the runway and taxiway. The 4D simulation provides a detailed, hour-by-hour breakdown of the construction activities planned for the night shift. This level of detail ensures a comprehensive understanding of the sequence and timing of each task. The airport runway is scheduled to resume airline operations at 6 a.m each morning after the contractor completes the night shift work.